Beyonce is Back, and So am I

Surprise from #yonce, and Big Churry is back too! I am motivated for 2014!

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What now? I just can’t figure it out
What now? I guess I’ll just wait it out
What now? Somebody tell me
What now?

I don’t know where to go
I don’t know what to feel
I don’t know how to cry

So what now?

– Rihanna, Unapologetic

What now?

Leander “Buddy” Cherry 11/17/42 -12/14/12

For those of you who did not get to see this…Here is the slide show that was played at the Memorial Service for my Father, Lee “Buddy” Cherry


Music: “IMA READ” by Azealia Banks
Performed by House of Mo

BCP… Round 3

You should call me Madonna…. I am trying once again to  “re-create” my brand. It’s hard, when life has so many other things come up.

Sometimes, I see the end result. It’s just the road there that I can’t figure out.


Beyoncé: Sartorial Duty

Random Viewing: This is one of the best clips I have seen about Beyonce. It visualizes exactly why I agree with her viewpoint. I just wanted to share.

Occupy DC

So far. NO. The future is hopefully looking better, but so far…. NO.

Thinking that getting the ‘heck outta dodge’ (Alabama), would be the best thing for me might have been been so true.  I feel like I’m in limbo. This city can be great, and it can be oh so bad.

The main thing about city life, is that you cant start out here as a lonely soul, because it will eat you alive!

In the City

Life so far in my new place of residence, Washington D.C., has been great so far besides the hurricane, earthquake, and loneliness in the big city.

Looking forward to the future adventures ahead!



Today is the last day working @PFCHANGS. I am excited, but sad. it’s been a great company. But I am looking forward to the future of opporunities that are on the way for me. CARPE DEIM!