Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dream Sequence

Set backs

Last week I was waiting to hear if I was going to be offered a great opportunity in the city, turns out, as usual, the opportunity was oddly not available (all of a sudden). I was really disappointed, cause I thought that finally it was my turn.

I’m not a give up type of person.. so I will press on. But I am getting close to my limit… All I need to do is put it in God’s hands.


These past few weeks, I’ve barely had time to even think.Between Tornados, Car Accidents, Travels, and Working…I’ve tried like 3 or 4 times to write down my words, (Part of a a commitment to myself, post grad) but each time I’ve been interrupted, or to busy to take the time.

Tonight, late night, I’ve found peace. I’ve found peace in the hours where all around me is quite. Everything, and everyone is resting. This is my favorite time. This is when I am able to reflect and regain who I am.

Listening to Shine.FM (on iTunes) and reconnecting to the creator, and with myself. Currently I feel relaxed. A feeling I haven’t been able to feel in a long time.

It’s Black and White

The North

These are the things I’ve learned during my short return to the North. Hopefully soon i will be back.

Unexpected and Unfulfilled

Here is a fact: This is not how I expect life to be in my late 20’s. I’ve always thought – since I was a very little boy –  that I would be married and even with kids by the time i turned 29. I had it all planned out. And it KILLS me that i haven’t been able to fulfill these Premonitions.


TODAY is going to be a good day. Started SB11, and ejoying my fake life for one week.

de-stressing is the key!

